This week was a huge milestone for us in our efforts to adapt syntropic agriculture to Czech conditions. We had the honour to host Dr. Joachim Milz, the director of Ecotop, for a few days.

A short meeting between Mr. Milz and the chairman of the Czech Association for Agroforestry, Mr. Bohdan Lojka, was realized. During the meeting, Mr. Milz accepted an invitation to be a keynote speaker at the upcoming EURAF European Agroforestry Conference, which the Czech Republic has the honour to host next year at the end of May (27-31 May 2024).

There was also a meeting with Mrs. Lucie Kubínová on the topic of concrete steps necessary for the implementation of syntropic agriculture in the Czech Republic and the possibility of involving the scientific community in research. And with Milan Bitala we discussed the possibilities of developing syntropic agriculture on organic coffee plantations in Tanzania and the possibilities of educating people in the local community.

We are very grateful to Mr. Milz for his kind visit and all his valuable advice and we look forward to hosting his main consultant, Mr. Bastian Dreher, in mid-October.