Syntropy CZ in cooperation with AMPI and ČSAL invites you to a pre-conference event of EURAF: PRINCIPLES OF SYNTROPIC AGRICULTURE (DAF), CREATING DESIGN FOR TEMPERATE CLIMATE by Bastian Dreher – ECOTOP consult
Date: Sunday 26 May 2024, 09:00 – 18:00
Place: Králíčkova biozelenina, Nový Bydžov, near Hradec Králové
The workshop will include presentations, group activities and observations in nature. DAF design for central Europe is jointly elaborated during the workshop.
Capacity: Maximum 30 participants
Language: The event will be held in English with translation into Czech
Learn more about Bastian on his profile here.
Registration deadline
Please register by filling in the form below by May 19 so that we have the time to process the registration in time.
The workshop is held in an informal context. Instead of fancy premises expect some heartful people who will invite you to their fire, offer you some home made soup but for sure they will not cook full meal for 30 people, so if you want to eat more, bring your own food and some snacks that you would like to share with others. Also, if you are tempted to dring anything else but water with home-made sirup, you are also advised to bring your own sources :). Sharing is caring! 🙂
We would also like to say a big thank you to the Králíčkova biozelenina for deciding to support the creation of a demo plot for growing vegetables and fruits in a syntropic design by providing 0.3 hectares of their land for this unique project, and by paying for Bastian’s consultation and allowing this workshop to be held on their property.
We are a group of volunteeers who are only very recently officially a part of AMPI. We have big plans, lots of work and no funding. This is where we would like to involve you. We decided to offer you three different prices that you can pay for the workshop. The first is only very symbolic for people who cannot afford to pay more and it is 25 Euro. Price two is 50 Euro and it is a fair price for such a format of workshop. Price 3 is 100 Euro and this is a price which can become a generous support and after we pay all the costs maybe a bit will be left for our other activities. We will send you the payment information after receiving your registration form.
Nature is teaching us about the harmonious flow of energy. If some tree is more successful in accumulating energy, than this tree is sharing it among other seedlings, slowly thriving in the shade. Only by sharing abundance we can live in stable ecosystems. And that is why we do not want to force everyone pay a high price, but we are trusting that those that can in this moment afford to contribute more, will help us to continue in our work and maybe the next time will be helped by the others.
Thank you!