Renke consultation
Visit of Renke de Vries to the Czech Republic

Just before the Christmas holidays, Renke de Vries, a consultant and designer of temperate syntropic agriculture from northern Germany, accepted our invitation to visit the Czech Republic. Renke studied International Forest Ecosystem Management in Eberswalde, Germany, holds a permaculture design certificate and is also a graduate of arborist training. He currently works as a professional arborist and consultant for agroforestry systems throughout Europe. In 2018, he met the owner of Gut und Bösel Farm, Benedikt Bösel, at a conference in Berlin, on whose recommendation he went to Brazil for a three-month internship in early 2019 to meet the founder of syntropic agriculture, the Swiss Ernst Götsch. In the same year, he had already established the first 3 hectares of syntropic plantings on the Gut und Bösel farm, with the aim of applying the principles of syntropic farming, tested in the tropics, to the temperate climate of Brandenburg, near Berlin.

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Planting water

Thank you so much to Diana Siswarton for filming our conversation about water together. Neither of us know how to use technology, and I don’t know how to perform in front of a camera, but we both love water and want to bring it back into the landscape and into people’s awareness. It’s also kind of the first major talk about the principles and philosophy of syntropic agriculture, the science behind water retention in the landscape, and a little warm-up for our biggest syntropic agriculture-related event of the year,…/.

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Joachim Milz in Prague

This week was a huge milestone for us in our efforts to adapt syntropic agriculture to Czech conditions. We had the honour to host Dr. Joachim Milz, the director of Ecotop, for a few days.

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