Thank you so much to Diana Siswarton for filming our conversation about water together. Neither of us know how to use technology, and I don’t know how to perform in front of a camera, but we both love water and want to bring it back into the landscape and into people’s awareness. It’s also kind of the first major talk about the principles and philosophy of syntropic agriculture, the science behind water retention in the landscape, and a little warm-up for our biggest syntropic agriculture-related event of the year,…/.

So, please excuse the punk performance and enjoy this passionate chat about water. And if you are interested in syntropic farming and want to learn more, sign up for the lecture with Bastian on October 16, 2023 from 6-8 pm in Prague or online. To participate, you must sign up at the link above. Translation into English will be provided.

Thank you for helping us spread the word and we look forward to seeing you there.